Chicken Katsu Curry

A popular dish in Japan that is quick to make with ready made curry bricks. This is one of my favorite curry dishes. The delicious aroma of this curry is mouth-wateringly good. I used S&B Japanese curry roux blocks and they are so quick to make. It has a mild and sweet flavor that goesContinue reading “Chicken Katsu Curry”

Vegetable Medley Fried Rice

Homemade fried rice with simple everyday ingredients and it is quicker than takeout. This is an ideal way to use leftover ingredients you may happen to have. The best part of this classic is that you can rustle it up in under 10 minutes. For an extra taste explosion, I would recommend a big dollopContinue reading “Vegetable Medley Fried Rice”

Wakame Seaweed and Vegetable Rice

Wakame seaweed, also known as Sea Mustard, is deep green and is often found in miso soup. It tastes subtly sweet and has a silky-smooth texture. It has often been reported to be packed with a number of micro-nutrients namely Iodine. This presentation of rice works well as a standalone meal or is equally asContinue reading “Wakame Seaweed and Vegetable Rice”

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